Futures of Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) es un Núcleo Milenio de investigación y creación interdisciplinario en torno a las implicancias culturales, sociales y ambientales de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA).

Our objective is to generate frameworks of thought and knowledge from Chile and Latin America on the development and effects of these technologies and contribute to guide the possible scenarios that they open, from the constitution of cultural imaginaries to the impact on public policies.

We seek to create spaces for collaboration, learning and experimentation that bring together critical perspectives from the social sciences, humanities and computer science, and expand empirical research and theoretical reflection, fostering exchanges between local and international communities.

Line 1 ESP
AI, social justice and citizenship

This axis seeks to understand the transformations of AI systems, their impact on everyday life and the implications for the emergence of new forms of digital citizenship.

In this line, we will seek to understand the effect of the use of these technologies in public agencies, studying the challenges for those who manage them, as well as the organizational and decision-making dynamics that lead to the development of public services based on AI. In this context, and from a data justice perspective, we are interested in understanding the emerging needs of the various user and affected groups of people.

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Line 3
AI, experimentation and responsible innovation

Through prototypes and experimental designs, alternatives for implementation and transparency of AI algorithms will be tested in order to analyze the necessary conditions for more inclusive futures in the use and application of these technologies.

The objective is to understand the trust in AI by users, developers, decision makers and affected people in Chile and the region. From this, it seeks to develop evidence-based recommendations for responsible use and experimentation with new systems that contribute to the construction of systems informed by social justice.

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Impulsamos el diálogo con las humanidades, las artes, las ciencias sociales y la informática; a través de la producción de prácticas alternativas, críticas y situadas de jóvenes investigadores e investigadoras.

Publicaciones destacadas

Revista Anfibia | «Tecnologías ancestrales y algoritmo verde. Borrar mis datos, ¿por qué no?»

Revista Anfibia | «Tecnologías ancestrales y algoritmo verde. Borrar mis datos, ¿por qué no?»

Colaboración Anfibia FAIR

25 de octubre de 2023 Por: Marina Otero | Arte: Javiera Cisterna Cortés | Fuente: Anfibia Chile Datos, espacio, almacenamiento, vacío, memorias. Información, recuerdos, apuntes, postales. La producción y almacenamiento de información digital alcanza un volumen sin precedente. L...

Technology in Society Journal | Inteligencia Artificial y Medio Ambiente en Chile: Hacia una gobernanza Eco-algorítmica

Technology in Society Journal | Inteligencia Artificial y Medio Ambiente en Chile: Hacia una gobernanza Eco-algorítmica

Artículo académico por Martín Tironi y Diego Rivera

Un estudio recientemente publicado en la prestigiosa revista Technology in Society advierte cómo la introducción de algoritmos y sensores en la gobernanza ambiental puede limitar nuestra comprensión de la naturaleza y restringir otras formas de conocimiento. Los autores Martín Ti...


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