Teresa Correa
Teresa Correa

Teresa Correa

Main Researcher / teresacorrear@udp.cl
  • PhD in Communication Studies, University of Texas at Austin
  • Master’s degree in Latin American Studies with mention in communications and methodologies, University of Texas at Austin


Professor at the Faculty of Communication and Humanities of the Universidad Diego Portales, she currently serves as director of the Centro de Investigación en Comunicación, Literatura y Observación at the same university (CICLOS-UDP).

Her research focuses on access and use of new technologies and digital inequality, online activism and social justice, and media sociology. Additionally, she was Tinker Visiting Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2018-2019.



  • Correa, Teresa, Sebastián Valenzuela & Isabel Pavez (2022). For better and for worse: A panel survey of how mobile-only and hybrid Internet use affects digital skills over time. New Media & Society, Online First.
  • Ghosh, Shreenita, Min-Hsin Su, Aman Abhishek, A., Jiyoun Suk, Chau Tong, Kruthika Kamath, Ornella Hills, Teresa Correa, Christine Garlough, Porismita Borah, Dhavan Shah (2022). Covering #MeToo across the news spectrum: Political accusation and public events as drivers of press attention. International Journal of Press/Politics. Online First
  • Correa, Teresa & Sebastián Valenzuela (2021). A trend study in the stratification of social media use among urban youth: Chile 2009-2019. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media. 1, doi: 10.51685/jqd.2021.009
  • Suk, Jiyoun, Aman Abhishek, Yini Zhang, So Yun Ahn, Teresa Correa, Christine Garlough & Dhavan V. Shah (2021). #MeToo, networked acknowledgement, and connective action: How “empowerment through empathy” launched a social movement. Social Science Computer Review. 39(2), 276-294.
  • Correa, Teresa, Isabel, Pavez & Javier Contreras (2020). Digital inclusion through mobile phones?: A comparison between mobile-only and computer users in internet access, skills and use. Information, Communication & Society, 23(7), 1074-1091.
  • Pavez, Isabel & Teresa Correa (2020). “I don’t use the internet”:  Exploring perceptions, experiences and practices among mobile-only and hybrid internet users. International Journal of Communication, 14, 2208–2226.
  • Robinson, Laura, Jeremy Schulz, Matías Dodel, Teresa Correa, Eduardo Villanueva-Mansilla, Sayonara Leal, et al. (2020). Digital inclusion across the Americas and the Caribbean. Social Inclusion, 8(2), 244-259.
  • Correa, Teresa, Isabel Pavez, & Javier Contreras. (2019). The complexities of the role of children in the process of technology transmission among disadvantaged families: A mixed-methods approach. International Journal of Communication, 13, 1099-1119.
  • Millenium Nucleus on Digital Inequalities and Opportunities (NUDOS). 2022-2025. (N° NCS2022_046). US$ 500,000. Alternate Director.
  • Millenium Nucleus on Futures of Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR). 2022-2025. (N° NCS2022_065). US$ 500,000. Associate Researcher.
  • National Science and Technology Development Fund (Fondecyt). 2021-2025. Digital inequality and the pandemic: Strategies for digital inclusion in vulnerable communities in urban and rural areas (Nº 1210740). US$200,000. Principal investigator.
  • National Science and Technology Development Fund (Fondecyt). 2017-2021. Mobile digital inclusion: Opportunities and challenges of internet access and use through mobile phones (Nº 1170324). US$215,000. Principal investigator.